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Identifikasi Faktor Risiko Penghambat Keberhasilan Proyek Rancang Bangun di Jakarta.

The development of a construction world increasingly complex makes the risks in
construction projects also increase. This big risk makes the project owner transfer
the risk to the contractor, one of many ways by using a design and build contract.
The transfer of some of the responsibilities that were originally owned by the
project owner to the contractor caused a challenge for the contractor. For this
reason, risk identification is needed to determine risk factors that can hinder the
success of the design and build project and to determine the response taken to the
To find out these risk factors, questionnaires were distributed which were
developed based on literature studies. The questionnaire was made by
distinguishing respondents' perceptions based on knowledge and experience design
build project. The distribution of questionnaires is limited to state-owned enterprise
and private-owned enterprise contractors. Questionnaires were distributed to 70
respondents and the samples obtained were 35 samples. The method used to process
the results of the questionnaire with the Significance Index.
Based on the respondents' knowledge, the top five risk factors were the most
influential of the top ranks. The five sub-factors are geotechnical investigation,
construction quality control/assurance (QC/QA), environmental impact,
conformance with regulations/guidelines/documentation, and project and program
management issues. Whereas for the top five sub-factors based on respondents'
experience are project complexity, project and program management issues,
geotechnical investigation, construction quality control/assurance (QC/QA), and
work zone traffic control. For the risk response chosen for the top five sub factors
it is accepted these risks.
The finding from the analysis shows that main factor inhibiting the success of the
design build project in Jakarta is the construction risk factor. Further discussion is
needed on detailed construction risk factor so that the design build project can

Winata, Christian - Personal Name
Batch 1
Podomoro University