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Pengaruh Penerapan Rekayasa Nilai oleh Kontraktor Terhadap Biaya Pembangunan Proyek Infrastruktur Berbasis Rancang-Bangun di Kota-Kota Besar Indonesia
Infrastructure development in Indonesia are doing widely, but it is still running slowly because there are some obstacles, especially the limited allocation of funding for infrastructure projects. One of the technique which can be applied by the contractor to overcome the cost problem is applying value engineering (VE). This research was conducted by applied quantitative method to observe the influence of applying value engineering by Contractor in design-build infrastructure projects. It was found that the factors of value engineering in design-build infrastructure projects affects the cost efficiency, which the influence value is 90,3% from the factors of VE pre-study, VE study, and VE post-study point of view. The result also showed that there are 5 dominant VE’s factors to cost efficiency, namely: (1) Collect of project datas information; (2) Comparison of design from cost point of view; (3) Clear the objective of value engineering; (4) Create the innovative ideas; and (5) The selection of alternatives which can give cost efficiency and possible to be implemented. Therefore, it can said that the application of value engineering is very useful and VE’s factors are the success key to the cost efficiency of Design-Build infrastructure projects in Indonesia.
Nindartin, Acinia - Personal Name
Batch 1
Podomoro University