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Identifikasi Hazard dan Analisis Dampak Keselamatan dan Kenyamanan Pejalan Kaki Akibat Pelaksanaan Proyek Konstruksi: Studi Kasus Proyek Light Rail Transit (LRT) Cawang

Along with the development of infrastructure in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, mass transportation infrastructure development project is one of the means that is currently being implemented. One of the ongoing mass transportation infrastructure construction projects is the LRT project leading from Cawang to Dukuh Atas. The existence of this project demands contractor to cover part of the road space to carry out the project, especially covering the existing pedestrian sidewalk facilities, making the pedestrian accessibility limited. Although temporary pedestrian roads have been provided by contractor, the space provided is still considered less effective and affecting pedestrians. Therefore, this research was done to investigate the impacts that pedestrians might experience in the temporary pedestrian areas. Qualitative research method were conducted in this study by observing the site first, and then continued by compiling questions to be asked to four experts as clarification materials on the findings from the field observation. The results of the experts would be analyzed again. The results of the analysis show that the impacts that might be experienced by pedestrians in the pedestrian space provided by the contractor are related to the safety and comfort aspects.
Jodie, Zevinsca - Personal Name
Batch 1
Podomoro University