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Analisis Implementasi Standart Operating Procedure di Restoran

In the operational of a restaurant, Standard Operating Procedure is an important thing that must exist because it affects employee performance and effectiveness while working. This paper aims to analyze the implementation of the Standard Operating Procedure towards work effectiveness in the restaurant Les Cocottes Arc de Triomphe Paris. Ideally, the Standard Operating Procedure will guide employees to work, but in reality the employees in this restaurant do not following the SOP, especially when busy. Most of the time, each employee has a personal way to completing work that caused the organization not being aligned. Therefore, the author analyzes the implementation of SOP itself, as well as the cause of failure implementation SOP in this restaurant.
This research is presented in a descriptive qualitative method and uses the post- positivist paradigm to obtain information related to the SOP and the causes of failure of its implementation. Through interview and observation methods, the authors found that the implementation of the Standard Operating Procedure requires stronger involvement from the management to implement. The causes of implementation factors have also been found based on the teory of E.J. Umble (2003: 250): 1). Poor planning and management, 2). Changes in business goals during the project, 3). Lack of business management support.
Marceline, Kenny - Personal Name
Batch 1
Podomoro University