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Analisis Pengaruh Penerapan Perencanaan Manajemen Komunikasi Terhadap Kinerja Proyek Konstruksi di Jakarta
Communication in the construction project is necessary because it has so many proffesion in it like engineer, supplier, project manajer, and other multi-discipline. Because of that, communication management plan is required so the coordination between parties can proceed smoothly. If communication management plan is not applied thoroughly, it can have a significance impact for project performance but there are only few researches to measure how far it has been implemented in construction industry. This research intend to see how far the communication management plan has been applied in construction project in Jakarta and measure how big the impact to the project performance. This research using the quantitative method to spread the questionnaire to contractors and construction constultants in Jakarta. Descriptive analysis was used to process the data collected from many factors. Factors taken from Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) parameters and others literature. Analysis result shows that communication management plan has been implemented 78,02% for construction project in Jakarta and it has significance impact for project performance.
Fujiono, Antonius - Personal Name
Batch 3
Podomoro University