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Business Proposal: Wayang Hotel Kemang-Jakarta

Author(s) : Marceline, Kenny - Laksono, Agung Tri -

Lucent Hotel: Business Proposal

Author(s) : Tan, Evi - Marceline, Lourine - Amelia, Marsha -

Business Plan

Author(s) : Tan, Brenda - Putri, Miranti - Kennedy, Alexander -

Tata Boga Industri

Author(s) : Bartono - Ruffino -

The Miracle Caffeine: Manfaat Tak Terduga Kafein Berdasarkan Penelitian Paling Mutakhir

Author(s) : Weinberg, Bennett Alan - Bealer, Bonnie K. -

The 5th Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM)Conference

Author(s) : Gursoy, Dogan - Yolal, Medet - Lee, Timothy -

The 4th Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing & Management Conference

Author(s) : Nunkoo, Robin - Seetanah, Boopen - Sannassee, Raja Vinesh -

The 6th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference

Author(s) : Chieh Lu, Allan Cheng - Rao, Yong - Gursoy, Dogan -

International Antalya Hospitality Tourism and Travel Researh Conference Proceedings

Author(s) : Ajanovic, Edina - Caber, Meltem - Yilmaz, Yildirim -
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