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Distribution Channel Analysis: a Guide for Hotels

Author(s) : Green, Cindy Estis - Lomanno, Mark V. -

Understanding Hospitality Law 5th edition

Author(s) : Jefferies, Jack P - Brown, Banks -

Managing Hospitality Human Resources 5th edition

Author(s) : Woods, Robert - Sciarini, Michael - Johannson, Misty -

Managing front Office Operation 9th edition

Author(s) : Kasavana, Michael -

Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry 3rd edition

Author(s) : Woods, Robert H. - King, Judy Z. -

Hospitality Sales and Marketing 6th edition

Author(s) : Abbey, James R. -

Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting 8th edition

Author(s) : Schmidgall, Raymond S -

Developing Hospitality Properties & Facilities

Author(s) : Ransley, Josef - Ingram, Hadyn -

Check-In Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations

Author(s) : Vallen, Gary K - Vallen, Jerome J. -

Managing Quality Service in Hospitality: How Organizations, Achieve, Excellece in the Guest Experience

Author(s) : Fird, Ribert C. - Sturman, Michael C. - Heaton, Cherrill P. -

The Dessert Architect

Author(s) : Wemischner, Robert -
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