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Real Estate Concepts: A Handbook

Author(s) : Jowsey, Ernie -

Topics and Methods for Urban and Landscape Design: From the River to the Project

Author(s) : Ingaramo, Roberta - Voghera, Angioletta -

Urban Strom Water Management 2nd edition

Author(s) : Pazwash, Hormoz -

Real Estate Development Matrix

Author(s) : Kohlhepp, Daniel B - Kohlhepp, Kimberly J -

Real Estate Due Diligence A Guideline for Practitioners

Author(s) : Just, Tobias - Stapenhorst, Hermann -

Urban Design and Representation: A Multidisciplinary and Multisensory Approach

Author(s) : Piga, Barbara E.A - Salerno, Rossella -

Engineering and Management in Construction Industry

Author(s) : Podomoro University -

Real Estate Asset Management: Handbuch Fur Studium und Praxis

Author(s) : Gondring, Hanspeter - Wagner, Thomas -

Real Estate Finance and Investments 16th edition

Author(s) : Fisher, Jeffrey D - Brueggeman, William B -

Pembangunan Pedesaan dan Perkotaan

Author(s) : Adisasmita, Rahardjo -

Pengelolaan Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan

Author(s) : Mitchell, Bruce - Setiawan, B - Rahmi, Dwita Hadi -

Hukum Perumahan

Author(s) : Santoso, Urip -

Metodologi Penelitian Wilayah Kontemporer

Author(s) : Yunus, Hadi Sabari -

Perencanaan Kawasan Permukiman

Author(s) : Sadana, Agus S. -

Pembangunan Kawasan dan Tata Ruang

Author(s) : Adisasmita, Rahardjo -

Pengantar Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Author(s) : Djunaedi, Achmad -
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