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Statistik Terapan Untuk Penelitian Ilmu Sosial Edisi Revisi

Author(s) : Nurgiyantoro, Burhan - Gunawan - Marzuki -

Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis

Author(s) : Sugiarto -

How to Start a Home-Based Catering Business

Author(s) : Vivaldo, Denise -

The Innovation Secrets if Steve Jobs

Author(s) : Gallo, Carmine -

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Geography and Growth

Author(s) : Philip McCann - Les Oxley Share -

The Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources

Author(s) : Quentin Grafton, dkk -

Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 8th edition

Author(s) : Scarborough, Norman M - Cornwall, Jeffrey R -

Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures 5th edition

Author(s) : Barringer, Bruce R - Ireland, R Duane -

Entrepreneurship and Small Business 4th edition

Author(s) : Schaper, Michael DKK -

Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice 3rd edition

Author(s) : Frederick, Howard - O'Connor, Allan -

The Discourse of Online Consumer Reviews

Author(s) : Vasquez, Camilla -
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