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Found 9 from your keywords: Subject : "Architecture Design"
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Arsitektur : Bentuk, Ruang, dan Tatanan edisi 3

Author(s) : Ching, Francis D.K. -

Landscape Architecture 5th edition

Author(s) : Starke, Barry W. - Simonds, John Ormsbee -

Facility Programming:Methods and Applications

Author(s) : Preiser, Wolfgang -

Design Tech: Building Science for Architects

Author(s) : Alread, Jason - Leslie, Thomas - Whitehead, Rob -

Health Clubs Architectur & Design

Author(s) : Fogarty, Kate Hensler -

Designing with Models

Author(s) : Mills, Criss B -

Operative Design: A Catalogue of Spatial Verbs

Author(s) : Di Mari, Anthony - Yoo, Nora -