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Journal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan

Author(s) : Petra Christian University -

Emerging Research Directions in Social Entrepreneurship

Author(s) : Pate, Larry - Wankel , Charles -

One Perfect Pitch

Author(s) : Perruchet, Marie -

Digital Entrepreneurshift

Author(s) : Awaluddin, Muhammad -

Tourism and Entrepreneurship International Perpectives

Author(s) : Ateljevic, Jovo - Page, Stephen -

Entrepreneurship: Menjadi Pebisnis Ulung

Author(s) : Soegoto, Eddy Soeryanto -

The Social Entrepreneurs Playbook

Author(s) : Mcmillan, Ian C -

How to Get Published in The Best Entrepreneurship Journals

Author(s) : Fayolle, Alain - Wright, Mike -

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Author(s) : Kuratko, Donald F -

The Innovative Entrepreneur

Author(s) : Spulber, Daniel F. -

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A Compatency Framework

Author(s) : Matthews, Charles H. - Brueggemann, Ralph -

Rules of the Hunt

Author(s) : Johnson, Michael Dalton -

Where The Jobs Are: Entrepreneurship and the Soul of the American Economy

Author(s) : Dearie, John - Geduldig, Courtney -
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