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Baking for Dummies

Author(s) : Nolan, Emily -

Math for the Professional Kitchen

Author(s) : Dreesen, Laura - Nothnagel, Michael - Wysocki, Susan -

Metode Penelitian Kualitatif

Author(s) : Afrizal -

Event Management: An Asian Perspektive

Author(s) : McCartney, Glenn -

Plant Food

Author(s) : Kenney, Matthew - Baird, Meredith - Winegard, Scott -

How to Start a Home-Based Catering Business

Author(s) : Vivaldo, Denise -

Baking 101 : Breads, Desserts, Cakes

Author(s) : Aprilia Aileen - Audrey Vanessa - Bluerin Natasya - Inka Tantowie -

Recipe Book

Author(s) : Belinda Wongkaroei - Lydia Tirta - Farrel Nathaniel - Vivian - Susilia -

Recipe Book : The Taste of Happiness

Author(s) : Felina - Bonifacius Andrew - Cherry Patricia -

Recipe book : Pastry and Barkery

Author(s) : Andrew Paskalis - Angel Joycelyn - Gary Leonis - Theresia - Windy Hosea -

Recipe Book

Author(s) : Tasya. L - Marco - Michelle - Millencia - Santya -

A New Way to Bake

Author(s) : Stewart, Martha -

Fast & Easy: A Food Journal

Author(s) : Business Hotel Program - Kevin Huang, dkk -

Recipe Book: Grilled House, Mediteranian & Chrismas Recipe

Author(s) : Business Hotel Program -

Fast & Easy: Little Book of Sweet Recipes

Author(s) : Kevin Huang, dkk -

Natuna Seafood Grill & Dining

Author(s) : Agnes, Sabrina -

Hotologue: Study Kelayakan

Author(s) : Setiawati, Lidya -

Huwung Hills Resort: Feasibility Study

Author(s) : Josephine -
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