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New Products Management

Author(s) : Crawford, Marle - Benedetto, Anthony -

Research Methods for Product Design

Author(s) : Milton, Alex - Rodgers,Paul -

Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations 2nd edition

Author(s) : Morrison, Alastair M. -

Transformasi Digital Koperasi Di Indonesia : Dalam Mewujudkan Daya Saing Global

Author(s) : Wahyuningtyas, Ratri - Disastra, Ganjar Mohamad - Suwarma, Risris rismayani -

Marketing Made Simple

Author(s) : Donald Miller -

Sekapur Sirih: Manajemen Pemasaran

Author(s) : Iwan Lesmana -

Marketing for Tourism Hospitality : Collaboration, Technology, and Experiences

Author(s) : Fyall, Alan - Legohérel, Patrick - Frochot, Isabelle - Wang, Youcheng -

Marketing 5.0 : Technology for Humanity

Author(s) : Kotler, Philip - Kartajaya, Hermawan - Setiawan, Iwan -

Digital Business and E-Commerce Management 7th edition

Author(s) : Chaffey, Dave - Hemphill, Tanya - Edmundson-Bird, David -

Marketing for Competitiveness: Asia to the World!In The Age of Digital Consumers

Author(s) : Kotler, Philip - Kartajaya, Hermawan -

Perjalanan Pemikiran : Konsep Pemasaran

Author(s) : Kartajaya, Hermawan -

Manajemen Pemasaran edisi 13 jil.2

Author(s) : Kotler, Philip - Keller, Kevin Lane -

Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism 6th edition

Author(s) : Kotler, Philip R. - Bowen, John T - Makens, James -
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